Hello everyone, Looking for basic info about Feldjager (MP) Battalion's organization during HEER 1, 2 and 3, I understand they used Munga 91/4 and 91/8, VW 181, maybe some PKW (cars), and Multivans. Were there any unique vehicles? Other than 1st Kompany were the other Kompany's organize the same? Are there any reference books or articles?
Maybe, you should contact someone over there for more and detailed information, direct from the "insider"?
Literature: Especially about the MP-vehicles, you will get the Paperback (e.g. via United Fun) Fahrzeugtypenkatalog Bundeswehr, Folge 04 Feldjäger- und Sanitätsfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr 1955 - 2015 while the book from Reinhard Scholzen shows the complete branch of service and it's history Feldjäger: Deutschlands Militärpolizei heute | ISBN: 9783613031524 Well, it seems, that it is not available by the publishing company anymore - but you should still get it via www ...
Hopefully that will help you? Take care, Henrik
Grüße aus dem Waldecker Land, Henrik FSK300 | 07/1984 - 10/1985